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Magic, bingo, Lego night highlight SAC fall entertainment lineup

Sept. 13, 2024
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<a href=''>威尼斯人在线</a>学生活动委员会主办的活动促进了学生的参与, 发掘学生的兴趣,帮助他们在课外建立友谊. (Northwest Missouri State University)

威尼斯人在线学生活动委员会主办的活动促进了学生的参与, 发掘学生的兴趣,帮助他们在课外建立友谊. (Northwest Missouri State University)

Northwest Missouri State University’s Student Activities Council (SAC) will welcome a magician, 一位改变世界的演讲者和一位喜剧演员参加了秋季的一系列活动.

The fall schedule features Savio Joseph as part of Family Weekend activities on Friday, Sept. 27. Payton Head, 是谁带头讨论改善密苏里州的种族关系, will share his experiences on Thursday, Oct. 3. Then, comedian Mike E. Winfield will appear at Northwest on Wednesday, Nov. 20.

Each event begins at 7 p.m. 奥利弗·德鲁斯美术大楼的查尔斯·约翰逊剧院. They are free and open to the public.

西北学生活动委员会致力于通过提供促进学生参与的活动,在今年秋天创建一个充满活力的校园社区, inclusivity and fun,” said Natasha Metzger, a senior animal science major from Papillion, Nebraska, who serves as SAC president. “Whether you’re looking to make new friends, explore new interests or simply take a break from your studies, our events offer something for everyone. 参加SAC的活动是一个很好的方式来参与和充分利用你的大学经历.

In addition to its lineup of speakers, SAC在整个学年为学生组织各种社交和娱乐活动. Activities this fall include a craft night from 6 to 9 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 19, in the J.W. 琼斯学生会宴会厅,以及该组织流行的杂货店宾果活动,时间从晚上7点到10点.m. Thursday, Oct. 24, and Late Night at the Rec from 8 to 10 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 14, at the Student Recreation Center.

SAC also will host a Lego Night from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 7, in the Student Union Ballroom.

SAC计划和管理西北学生的活动,以促进更全面的社会, recreational and cultural life for the campus and community. 该组织为学生提供娱乐选择,全年都有深夜活动和活动, including concerts, lectures, movies and comedians.

Details about its speaking guests are provided below. For more information, contact SAC at 660.562.1226 or

Savio Joseph

Savio Joseph

Savio Joseph

A magician, mentalist and hypnotist, 萨维奥·约瑟夫是第一代印度裔加拿大人,他很小的时候就对魔法产生了浓厚的兴趣. He slowly developed his skills of mentalism, pickpocketing, 手法和催眠,今天用这些技巧给观众带来笑声, intriguing conversations and lasting memories.

Most notably, 萨维奥是唯一一位进入《威尼斯人在线》决赛的魔术师,,赢得了众星云集的评委阵容和每周收看现场直播的数百万观众的青睐.

他还曾被《威尼斯人在线》杂志、TEDx、CTV和早餐电视报道. He has worked with corporations that include Remax, CIBC, 还有包括格莱美提名的Jessie Reyez在内的名人, Cordae, Serge Ibaka, Andrew Schulz and Marvel superhero Simu Liu.

Payton Head

Payton Head

Payton Head

佩顿黑德投资于发展以公平为基础的机构文化. 他鼓励学生和校园管理者用对他人和自己的爱来对抗仇恨. He details the adversities caused by race, gender and sexual orientation discrimination, 以及促进公开对话和接纳边缘化社区的行之有效的解决方案.

After the events of 2014 in Ferguson, Missouri, 他带头讨论改善该州的种族关系. 他在Facebook上疯传的帖子详细描述了他在密苏里-哥伦比亚大学(University of Missouri-Columbia)与系统性不公正作斗争的经历,激发了学生群体为一个更具包容性的校园而战,并成为高等教育变革的推动者.

In 2016, 对教育理论和影响变革的行动充满热情, 与全国校园领导委员会和美国大学合作.S. Dept. of Education, 他与人合作撰写了一份针对学生领袖的指南,内容涉及解决教育机构包容性问题的策略. 他向全国的大学社区介绍了创造一种接纳文化的重要性.

2018年夏天,他在阿姆斯特丹和斯特拉斯堡的欧洲议会分析了西方民粹主义的兴起. 他还访问了以色列和巴勒斯坦,并从拉马拉和耶路撒冷的活动人士和议员那里了解到美国在持续冲突中的团结. In 2019, 他被选中在达喀尔向非洲联盟和联合国发表讲话, Senegal, 倡导对团结非洲裔青年的青年倡议进行投资.

He has been featured on outlets, including “Melissa Harris-Perry,” MSNBC, CNN, The Washington Post, 《威尼斯人在线》和《威尼斯人在线》的《威尼斯人在线》.”

Head拥有政治学学士学位和领导能力证书, multicultural and Black studies from the University of Missouri. 他拥有芝加哥大学公共政策研究硕士学位,并获得全球冲突和国际发展政策认证, 在那里他担任芝加哥大学黑人公共政策研究行动的联络主任以及奥巴马基金会国际发展与政策项目的首届学者文学硕士项目协调员.

Mike E Winfield

Mike E Winfield

Mike E Winfield

With a comedy style that is refreshing and relatable, 迈克·E·温菲尔德逃离了巴尔的摩的街头巷子,来到加州追求喜剧——他记得小时候在妈妈的枕头下发现了一把枪,当时他还在想, “I can’t wait for my teeth to fall out.”


他还爱上并娶了一个带着孩子的老女人——他说这是一个问题,因为他还没有准备好成为一个丈夫,在婚姻中犯了很多错误. He has since learned and developed a bond with his stepson, whom he jokingly refers to as “StepMAN” because they’re close in age. 他把生活和婚姻中的起起落落变成珠宝,在舞台上表演.


Dr. Mark Hornickel
Administration Building
Room 215