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联系 the 评估办公室 to set up a time to take the 核心熟练程度评估 at oaia@jxt-cc.com.


What is this and why do I have to take it?

The 核心熟练程度评估 (ACP) is a multiple-choice computer-based test.  It tests general college-level reading, writing, critical thinking and mathematics.  It includes material usually covered in core courses.  你 should plan to spend two hours completing the assessment.

The State of Missouri requires we administer this assessment.  It is part of the performance funding formula and factors into the funding Northwest receives from the state.    

It is also commonly referred to as the junior assessment.

Students at or reaching junior status (around 60 credit hours) will receive an email to their Northwest student email when they should complete the exam with instructions about registering for a session.

Students should put forth their best effort.  This assessment can不 be completed within less than an hour.  If the student must retake this assessment for 不 putting worth their best effort, the student will be required to pay the test fee.

Is this an excused absence from class?

No, you should 不 miss class in order to complete the ACP.  Please pick a time that does 不 interfere with your class schedule.


你 are 不 expected to study for this exam.  It is designed to assess skills that have been developed through your core courses.  If you'd like more information about the exam used for the 核心熟练程度评估, (ETS能力概况), you may visit the following site to view test content description and sample questions, www.美国教育考试服务中心.org/practice


需要 带上你的熊猫卡.  你会 test in our computer lab so there is no 需要 to bring a computer.  We will provide scratch paper, pencil and approved calculator.  If you've lost or misplaced your 熊猫 Card, other government issued ID (driver's license or passport) can be used instead of a the 熊猫 Card.  不过,最好使用熊猫卡.


Regardless of school/department/major requirement, Northwest expects you to do your very best.  

Different schools/departments/majors at Northwest have different requirements.  If you have questions regarding those, please contact your advisor or department chair.  

Will the score impact my academic standing?

If your completion and score do 不 demonstrate your best effort, which is less than a hour taking assessment and score in the bottom 25% of students, you will be asked to return and retake the assessment.  然而, it will 不 impact your academic standing.  你会 have to retake courses based on the results.

At the end of each semester, student scores are reported to each department.  If the department has a requirement and the advisee has 不 met the requirement then the advisor should let the advisee know that it is necessary for them to retake the exam. 

For performance funding purposes, at least 60% of the students must score at or above the 50th 百分位.  For sophomores that means a score of 438.  For juniors and up that means a score of 442.  然而, that does 不 mean every student below those scores must retake.  

Do I 需要 to take this if I transferred into Northwest or an education major?

If you transferred from a不her institution with an associate's degree or 60 or more hours, you are exempt from completing this requirement.  Please contact the 评估办公室 (oaia@jxt-cc.com) so the proper waiver can be placed on your account.

As an education major, you are 不 required to complete the ACP.  然而, if you are a double major with a major outside of education, you will be required to complete the ACP.

如果你是教育专业的, but have changed majors and are no longer an education major, 你需要填写ACP.

Why is there a hold on my account, and when will it be taken off?

你 have a hold because you have 不 completed the 核心熟练程度评估.  Once you complete the ACP, the hold will be removed.  请联络评核办事处(OAIA@jxt-cc.com) to schedule time to take the assessment to be able to remove the hold.

What if I don’t take the assessment at all?

您的预注册将被阻止.  你会 不 be able to pre-register if you do 不 complete the ACP.


请电邮至oaia@jxt-cc.com) your accommodation approval letter to the 评估办公室 if you are requesting accommodations for the ACP.  Please indicate which accommodations you wish to use.  We will share what accommodations can be granted on this assessment and we will arrange a time you can test using those accommodations.