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如何创建事件 | Web Services | Northwest Missouri State University

This is a step-by-step guide to create an event in the University's Event Calendar

Adding Content and Different types of events

If it is your first time using Cascade, we suggest watching this overview then proceed to next step. If you need additional help feel free to reach out to the 网络团队.



登录Cascade CMS


If you have general questions in regards to using Cascade Server or want to learn more about Cascade Server please visit Web Services' 级联指南.


Navigate to 事件 site 文件夹

In the top right corner of the website and click "Go to a Site" and scroll to or search “事件”


单击 事件 文件夹如下:


After clicking 事件, you will be directed to 事件 文件夹.


联络网页小组(webteam@jxt-cc.com) if you have general questions in regards to using Cascade Server or need any help.



注意: If you want to add custom Image to your event then we suggest that you upload image first, 创建事件之前. 你可以了解更多 在这里添加图片.

After navigating to the 事件 文件夹, click “添加内容” in top right of the workspace.


然后单击 "事件” 文件夹.


Then select 文件夹 that corresponds with which year event takes place.

注意: 对于重复发生的事件

  • If the event reoccurs every year (New Years Day, for example), select the 年度经常性活动 option.
  • If the event recurs in a given year (a weekly meeting for this semester, for example) select the 相应的年,然后 一般经常性事件.

  • 请深入阅读 explanation of recurring events.


To add an image, select either 发票. 活动图像 or 重复事件图 to place the image in the correct location. 了解更多关于 添加图片.

Next you will select a file that corresponds with the month the event takes place.



Fill out the form (aka data definitions)

标题- 您的活动名称. (include the sponsor in the title to improve searchability. For example, use "Career Services: Mock Interview Day")

描述- - - Short summary of your event. 限制在15个单词左右. Description will be displayed as a summary of the event on the calendar home page, not on the event's landing page.


  • 指定地点- If the location of the event is not listed in the campus buildings or if the event needs extra details (like a street address) select the checkbox for '指定的位置'. 
  • 联络资料- If you want to add name, phone number or email select the checkbox for '联系 Details'.
  • 图像- - - - - - If you want to add an image to the event select the checkbox for 'Image'.
  • 自订详情- If you want to add icons, text or a link to the side bar of the event select the checkbox 'Custom Details'.
  • 了解更多有关 "include" options' settings.

Is this an all day event:

  • 是的, Select 是的 for all day events with no time.
  • No - Select no for events with a specific time of day.

开始/结束日期- 如果你选择 是的 for an all day event question then you will only need to enter start and end date (月/日/年),但如果你选择 no then in addition to start and end date, you will need to enter start and end time of the event. (hh: mm am / pm) 提示: 单击 calendar icon to bring up a date/time picker widget. 


Event description (Content) - Content written here will serve as body text and be displayed on the event landing page.


  • 类别, Choosing right category will help users to find the event. In this selection, please select a category that best associates with the event. 你可以选择多个.
  • 观众, In this selection please select your audience and to whom your event you want be shown. 你可以选择多个.
  • 位置- - - - - - Please select if the event location is on campus building. If you need to add extra details then click 指定的位置 在前一节中.
  • forward - push到- It is used to include this item on an Event panel of dept/office webpage.
  • 了解更多关于 event filters and categories.



After filling out the form, click "预览”草案 button on top right corner. 

A preview of your event will appear. Check for any errors, select "编辑” 纠正,如果需要的话. 否则,选择 "提交” button on top,然后 click “检查内容 & 提交” button as shown highlighted in blue below:


检查内容 will find any errors such as broken links, grammatical errors, etc. If any errors or mistakes are found use the check content wizard to correct them or go back and edit. Then submit the event with the check mark button.



After submitting the event click 发布 在操作工具栏中.


Leave all settings as they are and click 发布 再一次。.



祝贺你! Your event will be published soon.

注意: Depending on the volume of requests in the 发布队列, it can take a few minutes or even a couple hours for your event to finish publishing.