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Hostile Intruder

首先,重要的是要知道和理解没有任何安全措施是100%有效的. We cannot stop violent acts from happening. 威尼斯人在线无法预测枪击案发生的时间、地点、日期和时间. We can, however, 通过更好地了解威尼斯人在线的应对方案,减轻威尼斯人在线的准备工作,试图挽救生命.

Profile of a Hostile Intruder

A hostile intruder is an individual actively engaged in killing, 企图在狭窄和人口密集的地区杀害或对人造成严重的身体伤害. In most cases, 敌对入侵者使用火器,他们选择受害者没有模式或方法.

Hostile intruder situations are unpredictable and evolve quickly. Typically, 需要立即部署执法人员来制止枪击并减轻对受害者的伤害. 

因为敌对入侵者的情况通常会在10到15分钟内结束, before law enforcement arrives on the scene, 个人必须在精神上和身体上做好准备,以应对有敌意的入侵者的情况.

Good practices for coping with a hostile intruder situation

  • Be aware of your environment and any possible dangers.
  • Take note of the two nearest exits in any facility you visit.
  • 如果你能安全地这样做,疏散到一个安全的区域.
  • If you are in an office and cannot evacuate, secure the door, turn out lights and silence your cell phone.
  • If you are in a hallway, get into a room and secure the door.
  • As a last resort, attempt to take the hostile intruder down. When the intruder is at close range and you cannot flee, 如果你试图使他/她丧失行动能力,你生存的机会会大得多.

Call University Police when it is safe to do so!

How to Response When a Hostile Intruder is in Your Vicinity

最近在全国各地公共场所发生的几起非常悲惨的事件,提高了公众的关注和意识,即如果遇到类似情况,该采取什么措施. 威尼斯人在线警察局提供以下建议,并要求您与校园社区的其他成员分享.

首先,迅速确定最合理的方式来保护你自己和你周围的人的生命. 记住,在有敌意的入侵者的情况下,学生和访客可能会跟随教职员工的领导.

Second, if you ever find yourself in the middle of a hostile intruder event, your survival may depend on whether or not you have a plan. 这个计划不一定要很复杂,可以简单到你可以做三件事来改变现状: 

Run.  Hide.  Fight.

  1. RUN

    • Attempt to evacuate if there is an escape path
    • Evacuate whether others agree to or not
    • Leave your belongings behind
    • Help others escape if possible
    • Prevent others from entering the area
    • Call University Police at 660.562.1254 when you are safe

  2. HIDE

    If an evacuation is not possible, find a place to hide.

    • Lock and/or blockade the door with heavy furniture
    • Silence your cell phone
    • Turn off any source of noise (i.e., radios, television)
    • Hide behind large objects
    • Remain very quiet

    Your hiding place should:

    • Be out of the shooter’s view
    • Provide protection if shots are fired in your direction
    • Not trap or restrict your options for movement

  3. FIGHT

    As a last resort, and only if your life is in imminent danger:
    • Attempt to incapacitate the intruder
    • Act with physical aggression (your life depends on it!)
    • Improvise weapons (i.e., chairs, books, cell phones, computers)
    • Commit to your actions

Be aware of your environment and each facility you visit daily. 熟悉这些应急计划,并随时准备好逃生策略.

要知道在这种事件中,受害者通常是随机选择的. These events are unpredictable and often evolve quickly. Remember, the quicker you decide to act, 如果你发现自己遇到了有敌意的入侵者,你生存的机会就越大.

Your actions can make a difference for your safety and survival. Be aware and be prepared.

And, if you should ever find yourself faced with a hostile intruder, 你需要记住三件关键的事情来帮助你做好准备:跑.  Hide.  Fight.

How To Response When Law Enforcement Arrives

执法部门的目的是尽快阻止怀有敌意的入侵者. 警方将直接前往闯入者最后被看到或听到最后枪声的地方.

  • 警察通常四人一组,但也可能是两人甚至一人.
  • 警察可以穿常规巡逻制服或外部防弹背心, Kevlar helmets, and other tactical equipment.
  • Officers may be armed with rifles, shotguns and handguns.
  • Officers may use pepper spray or tear gas to control the situation.
  • 警察可能会大声命令,并可能会把人推倒在地,以确保他们的安全.

第一反应警员的首要任务是与闯入者取得联系并制止一切攻击行为. These officers will not stop to help injured persons, 相反,应该继续前进,尽可能快地与入侵者交战,防止对无辜的旁观者造成进一步伤害.   

When law enforcement arrives (if weapons are involved):

  • Remain calm and follow officers’ instructions
  • Put down any items in your hands (i.e., bags, jackets, cell phones)
  • Immediately raise your hands and spread your fingers
  • Keep your hands visible at all times
  • 避免快速靠近警察,例如为了安全而抓住他们
  • Avoid pointing, screaming and/or yelling
  • Do not stop to ask officers for help or direction when evacuating, 顺着警察进入的方向走

Information to provide to law enforcement or emergency operator:

  • Location of the hostile intruder
  • Number of intruders, if more than one
  • Physical description of intruder
  • Number and type of weapons held by the intruder
  • Number of potential victims at the location

预计救援队将由额外的官员和紧急医疗人员组成,跟随最初的官员. These rescue teams will treat and remove any injured persons. 他们也可以请身体健全的人协助将伤者移出房舍.

Once you have reached a safe location or an assembly point, 你们可能会被执法部门扣留在那里直到情况得到控制所有证人的身份都被确认并询问完毕. 在执法部门下达命令之前不要离开.


  • Remain calm and attentive
  • Be respectful and professional
  • Be non-judgmental
  • Listen
    • ask questions for clarification
    • paraphrase or restate to ensure your understanding
    • Try to be empathetic to their feelings
    • Be positive
    • Provide explanations when possible

Training Staff for a Hostile Intruder Situation

To best prepare staff for a hostile intruder situation, create an Emergency Action Plan (EAP), and conduct training exercises. Together, 紧急救援计划和培训演习将使工作人员做好准备,有效应对并帮助尽量减少生命损失.

Components of an Emergency Action Plan (EAP)

根据包括大学警察和健康与安全在内的几个利益相关者的意见,创建EAP.  An effective EAP includes:

  • A preferred method for reporting fires and other emergencies
  • An evacuation policy and procedure
  • Emergency escape procedures and route assignments (i.e., floor plans, safe areas)
  • 在EAP下需要联系的个人的联系信息和职责
  • Information concerning local area hospitals (i.e., name, telephone number and distance from your location)
  • 在发生紧急情况时向各方发出警报的紧急通知系统,包括:
    • Individuals at remote locations within premises
    • Local law enforcement
    • Local area hospitals

Assisting Individuals with Special Needs and/or Disabilities

  • Ensure that EAP’s, 疏散指示和任何其他相关信息是针对有特殊需要和/或残疾的个人的
  • 你的建筑应该是符合《威尼斯人在线》要求的残疾人无障碍建筑

Components of Training Exercises

训练员工应对敌对入侵者情况的最有效方法是进行模拟敌对入侵者训练演习. 威尼斯人在线警察局是设计培训议程和培训演习的优秀资源,其中包括:

  • Recognizing the sound of gunshots
  • 当听到枪声和/或目击枪击时迅速反应的:
    • Run / Hide / Fight
  • Calling the University Police Department at 660.562.1254
  • Reacting when law enforcement arrives
  • Adopting the survival mind set during times of crisis


For more information, please contact:

University Police Department
Northwest Missouri State University
660.562.1254 |